Hello world!
Hi everyone!
Welcome to the development blog for the NautilusSvn project. Our project’s actual website is hosted on google code at http://code.google.com/p/nautilussvn.
What is NautilusSvn?
NautilusSvn is a Python extension for Nautilus which integrates a load of Subversion functionality into the GNOME Nautilus file manager, basically as a clone of the TortoiseSVN project on Windows.
What is the project’s current status?
The current “stable” version is v0.11, which provides a set of basic tools, including:
- Checkout
- Commit
- Revert
- Diff (using Meld or gvimdiff)
- Log Viewer
- Revision and SVN User as columns in Nautilus views
- Emblems to show file status (though buggy)
- SSL authentication (buggy)
- Username and password entry dialog
- Editing Properties
However, the next version, v0.12, is going to be a total rewrite, with some pretty awesome features and functionality. Here is a list of what to expect for v0.12:
- Complete rewrite of extension and user interface layer.
- Improved status checking and emblem support. Manual status refresh no longer required.
- An entirely new context menu in Nautilus including submenus.
- New UIs: Add, Copy/Branch, Cleanup, Export, Import, Lock, Merge, Relocate, Revert, Rename, Settings, Switch, Unlock, Update-to-Revision.
- Updated UIs: Checkout, Commit, Popup Dialogs, Log, Notifications, Properties.
- Many UIs now have context menus.
- Working packages and installation instructions for major distros (Ubuntu, Fedora)
We’re getting really close to an alpha (“feature-complete but expect breakage”) milestone, with beta and final milestones coming soon afterwards.
Keep your eyes peeled here for more news, updates, and developments on the NautilusSvn project.
Nice visit & read your blog. Thank you.