Quick extension/client usage survey

I’d like to gauge peoples’ interest in the various extensions and clients RabbitVCS provides as well as gauge interest in possible extensions/clients we might think about developing in the future.  Both polls allow for multiple answers (up to 2).  I’m interested in hearing comments as well, so don’t be afraid to leave some!

[poll id=”4″]

[poll id=”5″]

3 responses to “Quick extension/client usage survey”

  1. MuadDib says:

    I use Nautilus-old still, but since CentOS 6 is around the corner, I don’t think you should spend time to support Nautilus-old any longer. That’s why I voted “Nautilus”. Thanks for the great support until now!

  2. Torsten Karusseit says:

    on the search for tortoise replacement for linux I found this great tool. Thank you for that!
    Are there plans to implement some diff and merge scripts like in tortoise for open/libreoffice or even word documents, or may be they are around anywhere ?
    Thanks again for your work.

  3. Huy says:

    A version for elementaryOs would be perfect ^^