Highlighting the Commit window

Posted in Miscellaneous on February 9th, 2009 by Adam Plumb – 1 Comment

This is my first post highlighting NautilusSvn’s many UI windows and dialogs.  First in line is the frequently used Commit window.

The Commit window provides an interface for committing or checking in modifications made to your working copy.   The first area of the window, “Commit to:”, shows you the repository you are working with.  The “Add Message” area allows you to add a log entry to your commit.  The Changed Files table shows all added, deleted, modified, missing, replaced, obstructed, or unversioned files.  Best of all, there is now a context menu that gives you the opportunity to View Diff, Open, Browse to, Delete, Add. Revert, or Ignore the file in question.


When you click the “Previous Messages” button, a dialog pops up with the past 30 messages you’ve written (changeable in settings).


When you click “OK”, the commit starts and the notification window pops up, giving you feedback and what is going on…


Happy committing!

Highlighting the nautilussvn shell script

Posted in Miscellaneous on January 29th, 2009 by Adam Plumb – Be the first to comment

At some point in the past few weeks I decided that I want to be able to access the v0.12 NautilusSvn UI elements from the command line. So I wrote a simple executable python script called “nautilussvn” which calls the UI element of your choice as well as passes through any other arguments you give it. I simply put a copy of the script in my PATH (mine is at /usr/local/bin/nautilussvn) and call it any time I want from the command line.

Here’s an example of what I’d do if I was in the base directory of some working copy and I wanted to commit the code with svn:

#$ svn commit -m "MESSAGE GOES HERE"

With the nautilussvn script, It’s just about as easy, and you get all the UI goodies you’ve come to love…

#$ nautilussvn commit

Or to specify a path:

#$ nautilussvn commit ~/Development/thiswc

If you want to see all the available modules, just enter “nautilussvn” and you’ll get something like the following:

#$ nautilussvn
usage: nautilussvn <module> [path1] [path2] …

Available Modules
about, add, blame, checkout, cleanup, commit, create, delete, export,
ignore, import, lock, log, merge, properties, relocate, rename,
resolve, revert, settings, switch, unlock, update, updateto

I tend to use the command line quite a lot for work already, so this gives me access to some of the UI features I love (like working with files in the commit dialog) without the hassle of having to open up nautilus.